APS Bank: Automating the Bank's workflow through digitisation - Digital Transformation in Banking

APS Bank had important objectives to reach: optimising the office workflow would make it more efficient, and added data security would allow for sharpening of compliance. Document digitisation enabled this process, enhancing overall management so that the bank could keep up with increasing client demands while ensuring the best return on investment

APS is a leading bank which operates out of a modern head office building and another twelve branches across Malta and Gozo. Since its establishment in 1910, operations have vastly expanded, and today the bank employs over 400 people. It is an active member of The European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers; it offers a complete range of personal and corporate services including wealth management and insurance.
The end-to-end workflow solution
The optimisation of the Bank’s printing fleet and the integration of uniFLOW output management software on all Canon multi-functional printers (MFPs), has revealed multiple quick wins to the Bank, reducing costs by about 20%. Thanks to the combined solution of Canon MFPs and uniFLOW software, the Bank is now able to identify users and departments with heavy printing requirements, control users, set default printing settings on the machines, and most importantly, limit the risk of data privacy breaches.
With the introduction of Planet Press, a digital output software, Avantech provided the Bank with a single platform that accepts digital output from 3rd party software and generates it into a customised, printed and digitized version. The Bank can now generate a large amount of customised monthly statements in a very short period of time.
A number of Canon document scanners were installed throughout the Bank’s branches, enabling staff members to scan various customer documents directly from the branch’s frontline, thus enhancing the digitisation process.
The implementation of Scan2x Intelligent Capture software on all the Bank’s scanners, PCs and multi-functional devices, enabled document capture to every user in the bank with just a click of a button. This system ensured that every document is consistently scanned, indexed and archived in a secure and controlled manner, and that the metadata extracted is checking with Line of Business applications to alert the user directly of any irregularities. This process happens in real time, thus improving the customer experience, easing administration load and eliminating human error.
All APS’s digital documents are being saved into Therefore™, a managed backed-up document repository. Therefore™ provides authorised staff with simultaneous, instant and secure access to documents. All document and user activities are audited. This, together with other security features, helps the bank meet GDPR requirements.
The solutions offered by Avantech enabled APS Bank to create an end-to-end automated workflow; enhancing efficiency, collaboration and information security – while cutting downtime and reducing overheads.
“The digitisation programme is taking the Bank to a new dimension. The entire solution is improving the processes for our internal users and enhancing, in no small way, our customers’ experience.”
Alexander Camilleri, Head of Support, APS Bank

“The digitisation programme is taking the Bank to a new dimension. The entire solution is improving the processes for our internal users and enhancing, in no small way, our customers’ experience.”
Alexander Camilleri, Head of Support, APS Bank

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